1: About This Guide
This guide provides the information needed to configure, use, and update the EDS™ Device
Server. It is intended for software developers and system integrators who are installing the EDS in
their designs.
Chapter and Appendix Summaries
A summary of each chapter is provided below.
Main features of the product and the protocols it supports.
Includes technical specifications.
Instructions for installing the EDS8PS and the EDS16PS
device servers.
Instructions for installing the EDS4100 device server.
Instructions for installing the EDS8PR, the EDS16PR, and
the EDS16PR device server.
Instructions for viewing the current configuration using
Instructions for accessing Web Manager and using it to
configure settings for the device.
Instructions for using the web interface to configure
Ethernet settings.
Instructions for using the web interface to configure line and
tunnel settings.
Instructions for using the web interface to configure terminal
and host settings.
Instructions for using the web interface to configure settings
for DNS, SNMP, FTP, and other services.
Instructions for using the web interface to configure SSH
and SSL security settings.
Instructions for using the web interface to configure
Note: Modbus is only available on the EDS4100 and
is not supported on the EDS8PR, EDS16PR,
Instructions for using the web interface to maintain the
device, view statistics, files, and logs, and diagnose
Instructions for using the web interface to configure email,
CLI, and XML settings.
Information about Virtual IP (VIP) features available on the
device and instructions for using the web interface to
configure the VIP settings.
Instructions for customizing the device.
EDS User Guide